#2 Gimmick bones as weapons

We as fans have seen WWE go out of its way to hype a simple match that involves a weapon on a pole or a weapon hanging above the ring. This could be another chance for the WWE to pull off a similar stunt.
A bone-shaped weapon could be hung for contention and whoever retrieves it can use it against his opponent. Another way to bring in bones as weapons is to surround the ring with these weapons so that the two wrestlers can use them as they please.
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We have seen The Undertaker use the biker's chain as a weapon in his career and such a match could bring out the ferocity in The Deadman. Styles and Taker beating each other senseless will be a sight to watch and will make for great story telling since their rivalry has become so intense.
While neither Styles not Taker are heavily dependent on weapons, a match like this could be built up with one more episode left to go before this year's WrestleMania.