The Undertaker vs. AJ Styles -Boneyard match (contd...)
AJ broke a piece of concrete on Taker from behind and started hitting him. AJ speared Taker through a fence and taunted him, calling him a nobody. AJ sent Taker into the hole he had dug and was about to bury him alive but taker appeared behind him and AJ tried running away. They climbed a building and Taker used his magic fire summoning powers before hitting the tombstone on the OC on the roof.
AJ was Chokeslammed off the roof and Taker said he was just getting started. AJ was apologizing for disrespecting Taker but he thanked AJ for giving him a good fight and kicked him into the pit.
Taker drove the bulldozer and dumped the first on top of AJ and buried him alive before uncovering the gravestone that had AJ's name on it. Taker then got on his bike and left.
Result: The Undertaker def. AJ Styles
Match rating: A+
PPV rating: A
A couple of great title changes and the two final matches made this an unforgettable part one of the first ever two-day WrestleMania.