Edge vs. Randy Orton - Last Man Standing match (contd...)
Randy attacked Edge with a camera and they entered the backstage area with Orton still in control. Randy started using the gym equipment to attack Edge but he got up and hit a swinging kick to Orton.
Edge suddenly had control and used a chair and his fists to inflict damage on the Viper. They tore through the backstage area and came out through the stage area from where Randy threw Edge down into the barricades.
Fans drowned out a popular wrestler with 'She's a racist' chants recently
They went inside the office area where Randy was set up on the conference table and Edge elbow dropped him from up top. Moments later, Randy knocked out a cameraman in the carnage.
Randy slammed Edge's head into some steel steeps and Edge still got up by the count of 10. They went back and forth before Edge put Randy through a table. Randy hit a DDT on the bed of a truck but Edge still got up. Edge went for a spear but Randy reversed it into an RKO.