1: Sandow released

Each year, there's a time period known as "black Friday." It's a time in which WWE trims the fat, so to speak and cuts costs by releasing superstars that they deem to be easily replaceable or maybe just not needed at the time. This year was a puzzling year, in the minds of many fans. WWE released several superstars, including one star who had a world of untapped potential. That superstar was known as Damien Sandow.
Sandow was adored by the fans and during his run as the Miz stunt double, his stock went through the roof. So, what exactly does WWE do with someone who could potentially provide a plethora of quality productivity to the brand? Well, they let him go and wish him well on his "future endeavors."
When he was released, Sandow instantly became the most in-demand free agent in wrestling and today, he now calls TNA his new home. Once again, WWE's loss became someone else's gain.