#5 Match Quality

The WWF had its share of great matches, and particularly in the latter days of the brand there was more of an emphasis on in ring quality as the company came under scrutiny for its stars using steroids, and put workhorses like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels front and center. While the Attitude Era tends to be best remembered for outrageous shenanigans, it also had guys like Steve Austin, The Rock, and Triple H working some excellent matches in their own right.
Not everything in the WWE era has been great from an in ring perspective, but amidst a greater sheer quantity of product, WWE has been forced to work for both a more sophisticated wrestling fanship, and for the benefit of fans who they know will, in much greater numbers, rewatch matches via DVD and now streaming services. An influx of indie talents in the last five years has helped raise the bar, but even before that The Undertaker had his heyday as a worker in the WWE years, and while guys like John Cena tend to get dismissed for their work rate, they also have a deceptively high number of four star plus matches on their resumes.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Advantage: WWE