#2. Holy S**T! – WWE crowd chant
You've probably heard this chant several times over the years in WWE. The chant is usually brought out when something shocking happens. Whether it's an impressive move, a huge return, or an iconic moment, you'll hear Holy S**t follow.
It has been chanted for many years since the Attitude Era. It will probably never go away, and it's one of the best chants that adds to a shocking moment.
#1. This Is Awesome! – WWE crowd chant
When the WWE Universe appreciates something, they will let the superstars know. This is usually done by chanting "This is Awesome!" The chant was adopted from the independent scene but is now a regular chant in WWE.
More recently at Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia, fans busted the chant out numerous times. Fans in the Middle East don't get to see WWE live often, so they made almost every match know that they were appreciative.