Xavier Woods must leave The New Day as advised by Karrion Kross

Xavier Woods and Karrion Kross [Image credits: WWE.com]
Xavier Woods and Karrion Kross! [Image credits: WWE.com & Karrion Kross' Instagram]

WWE Superstar Xavier Woods has had lots to ponder over in the last few weeks. Despite being part of one of the most decorated tag teams of all time, The New Day, Woods has been constantly cajoled by The Final Testament's Karrion Kross to leave the faction in recent weeks.

From the outside, it is a rather absurd suggestion. However, Xavier Woods should leave The New Day, as Kross advised. After all, if the last few interactions between the two are anything to go by, Kross seems to have Woods' best intentions in mind. But will it truly benefit the former King of the Ring?

Looking across the board, there are several reasons why Xavier Woods should part ways with The New Day. Here are a few:

Xavier Woods needs to start actively pursuing his singles career!

Since joining WWE, Xavier Woods' claim to fame has been being a part of The New Day. Outside of his King of the Ring triumph, the 37-year-old hasn't accomplished much as a singles star. Woods is a 12-time Tag Team Champion, but he clearly has the talent to be a big player as a singles star.

Woods can easily be in the picture for the United States Championship, the Intercontinental Championship, or perhaps one of the World Titles. With that in mind, he should strongly consider leaving The New Day and actively pursuing stardom as a standalone wrestler.

The New Day has become somewhat of an afterthought!

There is no denying that The New Day is one of the most accomplished and prestigious tag teams in WWE. However, in recent years, they have become somewhat of an afterthought. Gone are the days when they ruled the tag team division, with their last reign as champions coming back in 2022 when they were the NXT Tag Team Champions.

Since then, they have been in and around the title picture but have failed to cross the finishing line. Given the lack of success the group has had in the last two years, it might be time to shake things up. And the best way is for Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods to go their separate ways.

Woods seemed unhappy with Kofi Kingston's decision to accept Karrion Kross' challenge!

During this week's episode of RAW, Karrion Kross issued a challenge to The New Day. Upset with The New Day's decision to interfere in The Authors of Pain's championship match last week, The Final Testament leader vowed revenge. However, Kross suggested that he would end up taking on Kofi Kingston, who would push Xavier Woods to the back like he normally does.

This was a rather bold statement, but in a way, it proved to be true. Answering the challenge, Woods at first seemed fine with accepting the match. However, when Kofi interjected and agreed that he would be the one to face Kross, it looked as though Woods was left a little peeved.

This could be a sign that trouble is brewing within The New Day and that Woods is starting to take Kross' advice seriously. However, this is just speculation at this point. Only time will tell if Xavier Woods ditches Kofi Kingston to go his separate ways!

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Edited by Yash Mittal
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