Kazuma Satou is a 17-year-old young teen in the KonoSuba series. He is the series's main protagonist, who is transported to another realm where he fights against demons.
KonoSuba is an anime that is adapted from the Japanese light novel series that follows the story of a young teen boy in another world where he meets a goddess, Aqua and from there, he starts his journey, which has many thriller and action scenes.
Disclaimer: This article may contain spoilers for some. Readers are advised to continue at their own discretion.
Source: AnimeSelect
Age of some other main characters in the KonoSuba series
The table contains the main characters of the KonoSuba series alongside their age and race.
Character | Age | Race |
Megumin | 15 | Human |
Kazuma Satou | 17 | Human |
Darkness (Lalatina) | 19 | Human |
Aqua | N/A | Goddess |
Wiz | 20 | Lich |
Yunyun | 13 | Human |
Eris | N/A | Goddess |
Vanir | N/A | Demon |
Komekko | 6 | Human |
Iris | 13 | Human |
Devil King | 699+ | Demon |
Sylvia | N/A | Chimera |
Wolbach | N/A | Demon |
Dust | 18 | Human |
Kyouya Mitsurugi | 18 | Human |
Claire | N/A | Human |
Sena | N/A | Human |
Chris | N/A | Human |
Luna | N/A | Human |
Read More: Konosuba characters list
FAQs on Kazuma's age in KonoSuba
A. There are 31 episodes and 2 OVAs in the KonoSuba series.
A. 19 volumes of the KonoSuba manga series have been released.
A. Jitakukeibihei (Natsume Akatsuki).