Demon Slayer, created by Koyoharu Gotouge, is a mesmerizing Japanese manga and anime series set in Taisho-era Japan. It follows Tanjiro Kamado, a young boy whose life is devastated when demons slaughter his family, leaving only his sister Nezuko alive, but transformed into a demon. The series brilliantly weaves intense action, deep emotional moments, and intricate world-building, pulling viewers into the fierce struggle between humans and demons. The richly developed characters at the heart of Demon Slayer each bring their own unique contributions to the compelling narrative.
Demon Slayer Characters
The list consists of all major and a few minor characters from Demon Slayer.
Tanjiro Kamado
Tanjiro Kamado, the main character of Demon Slayer, is renowned for his relentless determination and compassionate spirit. Even as a young boy, his empathy shines through, always putting others' needs before his own. His quest is fueled by a profound sense of duty and deep familial love. Tanjiro's exceptional swordsmanship and an acute sense of smell make him a formidable opponent in battles against powerful demons.
Nezuko Kamado
Nezuko Kamado, the younger sister of Tanjiro in Demon Slayer, embodies resilience and strength. Despite her transformation into a demon, she maintains a strong bond with her family, especially her brother. Her character is defined by her quiet determination and innate gentleness, even amid her demonic nature. Nezuko's unique abilities and fierce protective instincts make her a formidable and invaluable ally.
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Zenitsu Agatsuma is a memorable character in Demon Slayer, marked by his contrasting traits. Though often portrayed as cowardly and anxious, his fear masks an extraordinary potential as a demon slayer. Despite his perpetual self-doubt and panic, Zenitsu demonstrates remarkable combat skills, especially when unconscious, revealing a hidden strength. His journey is one of profound growth and self-discovery, as he confronts his fears and learns to master his abilities.
Inosuke Hashibira
Inosuke Hashibira stands out in Demon Slayer with his boar mask and fierce, untamed nature. Raised by wild boars in the mountains, he exudes raw energy and a passion for combat. Inosuke is a master of his self-developed, beast-like fighting style, displaying remarkable agility and strength. Beneath his rugged exterior and aggressive tendencies, he harbors a surprising vulnerability and a strong yearning for friendship and acknowledgment.
Muzan Kibutsuji
Muzan Kibutsuji, the main antagonist of Demon Slayer, is known as the Demon King and the origin of all demons. He wields immense power, including shapeshifting, and exhibits a ruthless drive for eternal life. Muzan's character is marked by a profound fear of death and a relentless pursuit of immortality, leading him to create and dominate demons to fulfill his ambitions. His appearance is ever-changing, as he frequently adopts various disguises to conceal his true identity.
Character | Role |
Tanjiro Kamado | Main protagonist |
Nezuko Kamado | Tanjiro’s sister and Demon |
Zenitsu Agatsuma | Demon Slayer |
Inosuke Hashibira | Demon Slayer |
Muzan Kibutsuji | Main antagonist |
Kanao Tsuyuri | Demon Slayer |
Genya Shinazugawa | Demon Slayer |
Kagaya Ubuyashiki | 97th leader of the Demon Slayer Corps |
Gyomei Himejima | Stone Hashira |
Muichiro Tokito | Mist Hashira |
Mitsuri Kanroji | Love Hashira |
Kyojuro Rengoku | Flame Hashira |
Giyu Tomioka | Water Hashira |
Shinobu Kocho | Insect Hashira |
Tengen Uzui | Sound Hashira |
Sanemi Shinazugawa | Wind Hashira |
Obanai Iguro | Serpent Hashira |
FAQs on main characters in Demon Slayer
A. Tanjiro Kamado is the main protagonist in Demon Slayer.
A. While no exact age for Muzan has ever been revealed, it is indicated that the main villain in the series is at least a thousand years old.
A. Tanjiro, alongside Inouske and Zenitsu, had achieved the rank of Hinoe by the end of the latest season of the anime.