Uzumaki is a Japanese psychological horror manga series created by Junji Ito. The story centers on the residents of Kurouzu-cho, a fictional town under a spiral-related supernatural curse.
Every few centuries or thousands of years, at random times, the whole population of Kurouzu-Cho is ruthlessly swept out by an enigmatic and evil force known as The Spiral. It is entirely unknown if the Spiral is a force, a being, a virus, or a curse. Ito has called the spiral a "mysterious pattern" and has said that writing Uzumaki was an attempt to decipher the spiral's mysteries.
Characteristics of the Spiral in Uzumaki
Although the Spiral appears to be somewhat sentient, its identity and nature are unknown. It is established that Kurouzu-Cho is the only town affected by the Spiral, and that the town perishes according to a predictable pattern: first, there are "random" deaths and disappearances, followed by "strange" cases of obsession with the pattern; next, there are more severe effects, like several hurricanes and tornadoes; finally, Kurouzu-Cho is rebuilt as a massive spiral row-house, and everyone inside is sucked into the City of Spirals.
The Spiral is an essentially omnipotent force that can manipulate both human and animal emotions and bodies. It also continuously shows that it can bend nature and the rules of physics to its will. It could exist throughout the cosmos, can control entire galaxies, and can communicate telepathically with people. Additionally, it can change people into humanoid snails.
In Kurozu-Cho, the Spiral influences the weather, atmosphere, air pressure, and the ocean that lies inside the town's borders. It may create a searing light by using bricks and stones, and can completely block access to and from Kurouzu-Cho.
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Immunity from Spiral’s Influences
Some characters appear to have a stronger resistance to the Spiral, even though most of the contaminated ones perished after a few days. A small number of these people were completely able to gaze upon and engage with the Spiral without ever getting impacted. It is completely unknown if this immunity develops naturally or by some other means; nevertheless, as the Goshimas were unaware of the Spiral, it is most likely natural in their situation.
The City of Spirals in Uzumaki
Hidden by Dragonfly Pond, the eldritch site known as the city of Spirals has been built beneath Kurozu-Cho. In the last phase of the Spiral curse, it appears to absorb all of the residents of the Spiral row house, turning their corpses into the stone that makes up the floor. Though it may or may not be the origins of the Spiral curse, there are many unknowns surrounding the city of Spirals.
Naturally, the only material that makes up the city of Spirals is Spirals, which give off a fascinating glow. A corkscrew-shaped obelisk, one of these spirals, screws itself into the spiral staircase that leads to the city of spirals, "completing" the spiral after all the people of Kurozu-Cho have either died or been frozen in time.
Also Read: Where can I watch Uzumaki anime?
FAQs on The Spiral Curse in Uzumaki
A. The spiral is a mysterious being that affects those who live in the Kurouzu-Cho, a fictional town in the series. People are either drawn to it or resent it completely.
A. According to Junji Ito, spirals could very well symbolize infinity. He disclosed this in an interview. The spiral curse in the last chapters of Uzumaki, with its never-ending cycle of destruction and reconstruction, death and rebirth, most certainly reflects this.
A. A few characters such as Kirie and her family as well as her boyfriend, Suichi Saito, remained immune to the spiral’s influences.