Vinland Saga has earned high praise as a standout seinen series, captivating both manga and anime fans with its compelling narrative. Set against the backdrop of the Viking Age, the story immerses readers in a world where kings wield immense power over their lands. It weaves in real historical figures and events, such as the Danish rule over the British Isles and the exploits of Leif Erikson and Thorfinn Karlsefni.
While the series draws from genuine history, it also takes creative liberties, navigating the gaps and blending of myths that characterize medieval accounts. Central to the story is Canute, a prominent ruler whose intriguing past closely mirrors that of Thorfinn, the protagonist. As Thorfinn embarks on a perilous journey marred by relentless conflict that has ravaged his homeland, he crosses paths with the enigmatic Canute.
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Who is Canute in Vinland Saga?
The enigmatic prince first appears in Chapter 21 of the manga and Episode 9 of the anime. With his flowing blonde hair and delicate features, Canute initially presents as an androgynous figure with a somewhat feminine look. As the son of Danish king Sweyn, Canute was sheltered from the harsher aspects of life, leading to a perception of him as timid and fragile.
Though he starts out as a soft-spoken and effeminate character, Canute's role transforms dramatically as the story unfolds. He evolves into a significant figure in the political arenas of 11th-century England and Denmark, grappling with the nuances of leadership and power.
Canute also has a relationship with Thorfinn, the series' main character, which is complex and evolves over time. Initially, they are positioned as adversaries, with Thorfinn serving as a bodyguard for Askeladd, who protects Canute. However, their paths intertwine more closely as the story progresses, leading to mutual growth and development through their experiences.
Following the death of King Sweyn, Canute takes on the role of acting king over Denmark, Norway, England, and parts of Sweden. Driven by a vision of a peaceful and prosperous society, he approaches his mission with intense dedication. Yet, his methods, which sometimes involve extreme measures and sacrifices, spark controversy. Canute believes that such drastic actions, including the sacrifice of both royalty and innocents, are necessary to realize his vision of a perfect Viking society.
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Is Prince Canute a female in Vinland Saga?
No, Prince Canute is definitively male, despite his initially feminine appearance. The author, Makoto Yukimura, designed Canute with androgynous features, including long blonde hair, large blue eyes, and delicate lips, which led to confusion about his gender during his late teens. Some even speculated that his striking looks might indicate a divine connection.
However, Yukimura has confirmed that Canute is male. As the story progresses, Canute matures and his appearance changes to reflect this growth. He cuts his hair short, grows facial hair, and adopts a more regal demeanor. This evolution in his appearance symbolizes his development from a timid prince into a powerful ruler. Furthermore, the contrast between Canute's appearance and the more rugged, traditionally masculine Viking characters underscores his unique position in the story.
FAQs on Canute from Vinland Saga
A. By order of Askeladd, Thorfinn is Canute’s personal guard.
A. Yes, Makoto Yukimura created Canute to be the foil of Thorfinn as while they wish for a utopia, their ideals are the opposite.
A. Canute betrayed and killed Askeladd because he killed King Sweyn.