Uzumaki is a Japanese horror manga series created by Junji Ito. The plot centers around Kirie Goshima, a high school student, her lover Suichi Saito, and the residents of Kurouzu-cho, a quiet small Japanese village surrounded by spiral-related occurrences.
Yasuo Goshima is the father of the main character, Kirie Gishomia, in the Uzumaki series. He is a potter in the town of Kurouzu-Cho. He is one of the very few individuals in the story to get contaminated by the spiral (several times, at that!) and recover. It suggests that he may or may not have some immunity to the spiral.
Yasuo Goshima’s Obsession with Spirals
Yasuo is a passionate potter who loves what he does. He catches the spiral curse through The Firing Effect and, as a result, keeps removing cursed clay from Dragonfly Pond, which causes his artwork to take the shape of twisted spirals.
By praising his work and persuading him of the artistic value contained within a spiral, it is claimed that Mr. Saito was the one who introduced him to the spiral obsession. Kirie Goshima might have inherited Yasuo's calm and easygoing personality when he was not affected by the spiral.
Also Read: What was the Spiral curse in Uzumaki?
What happened to Yasuo Goshima in the end?
Yasuo Goshima gets infected several times throughout the entire story. He seems to have some kind of immunity since he recovered within a certain period after being infected or influenced by the spiral.
However, the curse itself is known to devour the entire population of Kurouzu-Cho every once in a while and so he was found in the City of Spiral underneath the town. Ultimately, Yasuo and his wife are discovered spiraled together and turned into stone in the City of Spiral among all the others from the town's population as well as those who may have lived centuries ago.
Yasuo Goshima’s family in Uzumaki
Kirie Goshima
Kiri Goshima, sometimes known as Kyrie, is the main protagonist and narrator of Uzumaki. She is a Kurouzu-Cho student and the spirals' frequent victim. She is one of the very few characters in the series who are immune to the spiral’s influences in the town of Kurouzu-Cho.
Mrs. Goshima
Mrs. Goshima is Yasuo Goshima's wife and the mother of Kirie and Mitsuo Goshima. She is one of the few characters who gets infected by the Spiral and makes a full recovery. However, in the end, she and her husband get spiraled together, turning into stone in the City of Spirals.
Mitsuo Goshima
Mitsuo Goshima is one of the side characters in the series. He is the brother of Kirie Goshima and the son of Yasuo and Mrs. Goshima. Mitsuo is among one of those who turn into snail people after getting infected by the spiral. He is the only Goshima alive in the series, although he is a snail. He is also the only Goshima in the series to not have any immunity to the spiral.
Also Read: Is the Uzumaki manga finished?
FAQs on Kirie’s father from Uzumaki
A. Kirie Goshima is a potter in the town of Kurouzu-Cho in the Uzumaki series.
A. Kirie’s father, Yasuo Goshima, becomes spiraled together with his wife and turns into stone in the City of Spiral.
A. Kirie’s father was immune to the spiral in the entire series,as he recovered every time he was infected by the spiral.