Vinland Saga is a compelling historical manga and anime series that takes readers to the turbulent world of 11th-century Vikings. Created by Makoto Yukimura, this epic story masterfully combines elements of action, drama, and philosophy against the backdrop of Norse exploration and conflict. The narrative primarily follows Thorfinn, a young warrior driven by a blend of revenge and personal growth.
Set during a significant period of change and expansion for the Vikings, Vinland Saga delves into themes of violence, honor, and the quest for meaning in a brutal world. Adding to the series' appeal is the unpredictable Thorkell, whose loud and proud nature makes him one of the most entertaining characters in the story.
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Who is Thorkell in Vinland Saga?
Thorkell, a commanding presence among the Jomsvikings, is a fierce and imposing figure who stands alongside Thors Snorresson, the Troll of Jom. While Thorkell may not be the most powerful in sheer might, he is a formidable force whose enemies would be unwise to underestimate. Armed with his trusty axe, Thorkell can cleave through foes with alarming ease, all while maintaining a cheerful demeanor.
Thorkell and Thors shared a deep bond, forged through years of battlefield camaraderie and the marriage of Thors to Thorkell’s niece, Helga. Although Thorkell is not as physically imposing as Thors, he held a position of respect due to his role as Thors' uncle-in-law and his status as the brother of the Jomsvikings’ chief, Sigvaldi.
His larger-than-life personality, combined with his exceptional strength and tactical acumen, ensures that Thorkell dominates any scene he’s in. Whether he’s decimating enemies with his axe or lifting boulders to hurl at ships, his presence is always commanding. Thorkell was designed to contrast with the more serious fighters of the manga, bringing a mix of bravado and raw power to the story.
Despite his almost sadistic enjoyment of battle, Thorkell adheres to his own code of conduct throughout the first season of Vinland Saga. His passion for combat makes him a loyal supporter of Prince Canute, assisting in his quest to rule the Danes. This portrayal aligns with historical accounts of Thorkell the Tall, a prominent Jomsviking lord who played a significant role in Canute’s upbringing.
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Is Thorkell a villain?
Thorkell presents an intriguing case in terms of his role in the story. Although he initially appears as an antagonist, his true nature is more complex. Rather than being a genuine villain, Thorkell is a formidable warrior whose path crosses with Thorfinn Karlsefni due to circumstance. Despite his role in the deaths of some of Thorfinn’s allies, Thorkell is not driven by malice.
Over time, Thorkell comes to admire Thorfinn and reveals that he is actually Thorfinn’s maternal uncle. As the story progresses, Thorkell aligns with Thorfinn and Leif in their quest to establish Vinland, transitioning from a fierce adversary to a valued ally in their fight against the Jomsvikings. The relationship between uncle and nephew ultimately evolves into one of mutual respect and cooperation.
FAQs on Thorkell from Vinland Saga
A. No Thorkell isn’t Thorfinn’s grandfather but he is Thorfinn’s great uncle, as he was Thor’s uncle-in-law.
A. Cordelia is Thorkell’s son, born to an unnamed wife in Ireland.
A. Thors is slain by a volley of arrows fired by Askeladd.