Kidambi Srikanth took the court after Saina Nehwal’s impressive straight games victory over Wang Shixian. The Indian took on World No. 14 Kento Momota in his first match at the season ending finale. Momota was agressive right from the start and did not let Srikanth settle in front of a packed crowd at Hamdan Sports Complex.
A few unforced errors from Srikanth coupled with terrific net play from the Japanese helped Momota clinch the opening game 21-15. Things did not start on a bright note for Srikanth in the second game as Momota took a 5-0 lead. Srikanth fought back with superb winners to level the scores at 5-5. The Indian applied pressure on Momota by counterattacking his serve and took some risks near the net to take the second game 21-16.
The third game was one-way traffic as World No. 6 Srikanth made badminton look easy by hitting winners and drop shots with ease. He won the third game 21-10 making it a superb day for India.