India's rising star Lakshya Sen recently had a chat with Sportskeeda, in which he discussed his return to the badminton court. After an extended break from the sport, the 19-year-old is looking forward to participating in the upcoming Denmark Open tournament.
In an exclusive live chat with Shanivi Sadana on Sportskeeda's Facebook page, Lakshya Sen spoke about a variety of topics. He provided updates on his future plans and also talked in detail about how playing doubles matches during practice helped him as a singles player.
Lakshya Sen targets a return at the Denmark Open
When asked about the tournaments he is aiming to play after the COVID-19 break, Lakshya Sen replied:
"Yes, I think in two weeks, we have Denmark Open. So, I think that is going to happen, and our visas are still in process. So, let's see if we get to play the tournament."
Lakshya Sen had clinched the gold medal in the boys' singles tournament at the 2018 Asian Junior Championships.
The Uttarakhand-based player was also a part of the Indian men's team that won the Asia Team Championships bronze medal in Manila earlier this year.
Lakshya Sen shared details of his practice sessions and revealed that he played many doubles matches to improve his skills as a singles player.
"In the practice sessions, we play a lot of doubles, but I have been playing singles matches since childhood. I stopped playing doubles after competing at the U-15 and U-17 levels. Playing doubles in the practice sessions helps a singles player play a fast-paced game and drive shots that you play."
He added that playing doubles matches in practice helped him improve his alertness for singles matches. According to him, playing doubles games is hugely beneficial for a singles player.