Fans have been eagerly following India's exploits at the Olympics 2021. Even the early morning events are watched by lakhs of Indians and spark intense social media debates. However, some netizens have been more interested in trolling Indian athletes. Jwala Gutta, India's badminton star, was on the receiving end of some overtly racist abuse today.
Racist comments passed on Jwala Gutta's Instagram story
The Indian shuttler posted an Instagram story about Bhavani Devi, the first Indian fencer to compete at the Olympics. To her dismay, one of the replies she received asked her to play for China. Gutta, who played for India in London 2012, posted a screenshot of the comments on her Twitter handle. Many fans asked the Indian shuttler to report the incident to cyber cell.
Support poured in after Jwala Gutta uploaded a screenshot of the racist message
Also Read: Tokyo Olympics 2021 Schedule