Saina Nehwal along with her husband Parupalli Kashyap visited the Taj Mahal on Tuesday. The couple visited the world-famous monument with their friends. Saina and Kashyap, the "badminton couple," looked happy during their visit to the famous Mughal-era monument in India.
Indian badminton queen Saina Nehwal spent about two hours on the premises of the historic monument. The 31-year-old looked very excited while visiting the Taj Mahal.
Former World No. 1 Saina Nehwal and her husband Kashyap Parupalli reached the Taj Mahal at 8 am and stayed there for a couple of hours. The London 2012 Olympic bronze medalist visited Agra with her husband and friends. She seemed really happy and quite impressed with the sight of Taj Mahal.
During her visit, Saina Nehwal got photographs clicked of her sitting on the main tomb and the famous Diana bench. It was the first visit of Saina and Kashyap to Taj Mahal.
“All these years because of continuous tournaments and practice they could not find time to visit Taj Mahal. Although Saina wanted to see Taj Mahal, busy schedule prevented her from going there. Now they have some time,” said Saina’s mother Usha Rani.
Saina Nehwal missed the chance to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics because of the cancelation of several tournaments. It would have been her fourth successive Olympic appearance. After missing out on the Tokyo Olympics, she is planning to participate in the international tournaments again in August.
Saina Nehwal wanted a small break after the disappointment of failing to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics
Usha Rani talked about Saina's sudden visit to Agra. She said:
“The Agra visit was not a pre-planned one. They just wanted to have a small break and decided to go just a few days back. Obviously we are all disappointed that Saina could not make the cut for the Olympics. Circumstances and bad luck prevented her from playing another Olympics."
On Monday, Saina and Kashyap paid a courtesy visit to the residence of the Minister of State for Culture and Tourism of India, Prahlad Singh Patel. They exchanged views on areas of common interest.