India’s new Badminton star PV Sindu, who won the bronze medal at the World Championships recently, has said that she’s ready to take on her compatriot and India’s no.1 shuttler, Saina Nehwal at the inaugural Indian Badminton League.
“I’m thrilled to win the medal, and my immediate target is to excel in the next two weeks at the Indian Badminton League. I am ready to play against Saina and will try to give my best performance. Hope it will be a good show,” Sindhu said, as quoted by firstpost.
The 18-year-old Hyderabadi girl, who became the first women shuttler to reach semifinals at the World Championships in China, was a star attraction at this year’s IBL suction. She was brought by the Lucknow franchise while Saina will lead the Hyderabad’s challenge. Sindhu will take on Saina on August 15.
“I am charged up for the IBL. It will be a tough competition and I’m looking forward to play with all the great players,” Sindhu said from Guangzhou.
The 2013 IBL will feature six franchises and will run for 18 days. The top four franchises in the League will play the semifinals while the final will be held in Mumbai on August 31.