As one of the most recognized screen actos in the world, Tom Hanks draws a considerable interest in whatever he does. When it comes to baseball, the two-time Oscar winner used to follow a particular method.
In a 2020 interview with Graham Bensinger's In-Depth program, Hanks divulged the method he used to have for logging events at a baseball game. While the actor's choice of equipment may be anachronistic, it is no less important.

Owing to the fact that he always "sees something unique that he has never seen happen before, Tom Hanks used to bring a typewriter to each game he attended. While the need for the large piece of equipment has largely been done away with thanks to smartphones, Hanks' is ensuring he never misses anything.
Continuing, Tom Hanks recalled a triple-play that involved Seattle Mariners outfielder Ken Griffey Jr. in the 1990s. A lifelong fan of the game, Hanks has too many baseball memories to count.
Playing the star role in the 1992 flick League of their Own, Hanks has often brought his love of baseball to the big screen. Produced just a few years before the iconic Forrest Gump role, League of their Own casts Hanks as a has-been baseball star now trying his hand at managing.
A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, Hanks is a long-time fan of the Oakland Athletics. A former concession vendor at the Oakland Coliseum in his younger years, Hanks was among the voices criticizing the team's decision to relocate to Las Vegas earlier this year.
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MLB fans have also seen Hanks at games several times. In 2022, he threw out the first pitch at a San Francisco Giants game with a special guest, the ball named "Wilson" from his famous movie Castaway.
Tom Hanks has not gotten any less cool with age
While you would be hard-pressed to see Tom Hanks carrying around a typewriter nowadays, the 67-year old has maintained a connection to the game that he loves for decades.
In an age of information and constant technological advancement, Hanks serves as a timeless reminder of the simple joys like baseball and excellent film. However, it is probably not a good idea to try and bring a typewriter to an MLB game when the 2024 season kicks off.