Kate Upton is on social media, which means she's more or less in tune with the trends. Those trends can come and go at a rapid pace, so it takes a keen eye and a savvy person to be able to capture them and generate good content from it. That seems to be exactly what Upton did here.
She and her husband "nailed" the latest trend, which features an audio of someone describing what happened when they were drunk to another person. The TikTok trend often sees hilarious reimaginings of people's drunken escapades.
In a hilarious twist, Upton threw Justin Verlander in on her Instagram reel. The power couple made one of their first memes together and hit the terrific trend, with the audio over their hilarious video saying:
"I mean you were slurring your words. Yeah. Did you black out when you got home? Yeah. I hit my head. Then I vomited. Oh... s**t!"
Upton captioned it:
"I think we nailed it honestly."
Verlander, the Houston Astros ace, was not entirely willing to be part of this fake drunken charade. Upton paraded him around the video with her arm around his neck, both pretending to appear intoxicated.
Towards the end of the video, Verlander mouthed the word "help" before the clip ended in hilarious fashion.
Kate Upton and Justin Verlander are up-to-date with latest trends
Many users of TikTok and social media are younger. They are, with few exceptions, a haven for younger audiences. Nevertheless, Kate Upton and Justin Verlander, who are both over 30 years old (Verlander is about 40), showed they can keep up.
The two have an infectious energy that was palpable in the video, despite Verlander's best efforts to stay out of this particular post.