On Thursday, Alex Rodriguez's girlfriend, Jaclyn Cordeiro, took to Instagram to share a video to her story, sharing her success mantra with fans as she geared up to hit the gym in the early hours of the morning, despite the freezing temperatures, which went as low as 17 degrees Fahrenheit.
A well-known figure in the fitness industry, Jaclyn Cordeiro boasts over 138,000 followers on Instagram and often posts fitness-related content to inspire and motivate her fans. She also runs her own brand, JACFIT, which specializes in providing customers with tailored six-week plans, varying in intensity based on their goals and level of expertise.
Cordeiro's fitness expertise also helped her boyfriend, Alex Rodriguez, significantly on his weight-loss journey. After retiring from the major leagues in 2016, Rodriguez had gained quite a lot of weight when he first met Cordeiro.
Under Cordeiro's guidance, however, Rodriguez made significant strides to get back on track, going to the gym seven days a week and reintroducing consistent cardio into his life in the form of post-dinner walks. The pair's efforts eventually bore fruit, and A-Rod ended up losing 32 pounds.
Alex Rodriguez guides girlfriend Jaclyn Cordeiro through the basics of baseball during "spring training"
On Tuesday, Jan. 21, Jaclyn Cordeiro took to Instagram to post a video as her boyfriend, Alex Rodriguez, took her through some basic baseball drills.
"Spring Training Already?!#progressnotperfection#mlbgoat" Jaclyn Cordeiro captioned her Instagram post
Often referred to as one of the greatest baseball players of all time, it's safe to say A-Rod is the perfect person to teach anyone the basics of the sport. In the 22 seasons he spent in the major leagues, Rodriguez represented the Seattle Mariners, Texas Rangers, and New York Yankees.
In that time, the right-handed batter earned 14 All-Star caps, three AL MVP awards, two Gold Glove awards, ten Silver Slugger awards, and a World Series winners' ring, among numerous other honors.