Former New York Yankees shortstop Alex Rodriguez's girlfriend, Jaclyn Cordeiro, is a well-known fitness trainer and entrepreneur. Her business, JACFIT, provides customers with uniquely tailored workout plans, helping them achieve their dream bodies.
Apart from running her business, Cordeiro is also quite popular on social media, and has over 138,000 Instagram followers. She documents her workout routines on the social media platform, in an effort to help her followers get inspired and achieve the best results.
On Saturday, Cordeiro took to Instagram to share a clip to her story, as she turned up the glamor in sleek gym wear. The 45-year-old showed off her powerlifting prowess in the video, as she performed a challenging exercise, known as the Romanian deadlift.

Alex Rodriguez's girlfriend Jaclyn Cordeiro reveals what she wears to the gym to keep warm while looking stylish
Apart from guiding her followers through optimal ways to perform various exercises, Jaclyn Cordeiro also helps out with gym clothing recommendations from time to time. On February 7, she took to Instagram to shed some light on what makes up her ideal gym outfit during the winter.
"When it’s freezing outside, these tips will keep you warm from the car to the gym," she wrote on Instagram earlier this month. "Start with the warmest layers on the inside. Wear matching gym gear, including a long-sleeved shirt. Don’t forget your long socks and put them over your leggings."
"This will keep your ankles and feet warm, but wearing boots is the best option, the fitness entrepreneur said. "Finish off your look with a bomber jacket, maybe a toque and gloves. P.S. Don’t forget your lip balm or moisturizer when you leave home!"
Cordeiro's knowledge on matters related to fitness has also proved beneficial for her boyfriend, Alex Rodriguez, Shortly after the pair met, in 2022, A-Rod began working on improving his fitness. He was able to pair a better diet with exercise and was able to lose weight. Rodriguez credits Cordeiro for helping him improve his fitness levels.