Allie LaForce, journalist and model, and Joe Smith, MLB pitcher welcomed a baby boy in their lives on November 10, 2022. The couple had gone through a tenacious journey to finally be able to hold their little miracle. And now even the fans can see the happiness the two have been receiving since their little baby was born.
Smith and LaForce got married in 2015 after dating for four years. Smith's mother had Huntington's disease which the pitcher has a 50% chance of inheriting as well. Unfortunately, his mother died in 2020 because of the said disease. The couple wanted a baby for a while but were afraid that the disease might pass on to their offspring.
The couple used a procedure called PGT-IVF to finally be able to welcome their baby boy into their life. This procedure ensured that the child will not be inheriting Huntington's disease. The baby boy, Jake, is now six months old and seemed to be happy and healthy according to a picture shared by Allie on her Instagram account.

"6 months 💙💙 We love you Jake man!! You've stolen our hearts!" Allie LaForce captioned the picture of her son Jake.
The couple had established an organization called that brings awareness of the disease. It also helps provide funding for couples that also have the same issue as the LaForce-Smith couple had.
Allie LaForce admits that she and Joe Smith are thinking of having more children
Allie LaForce and Joe Smith last year had a baby boy delivered to them by Allie's sister AuBree, who is a doctor. Allie had gone through the PGD-IVF procedure that ensure that the embryo won't carry the gene for Huntington's disease.
Huntington's disease is a non-curable disease that damages the structure or functions of neurons. It is only passable by inheriting it through genes. Allie LaForce had the procedure done that eliminates the disease carrying genes in the embryo. On May 2023, Allie interacted with The Repository, where she talked about the procedure.
“[IVF Procedure] Therefore guaranteeing that our children wouldn't have it and also their children, and it's eliminated from the family line forever now,” Allie said.
Allie's baby boy was born safely because of the procedure and currently, the couple has three more embryos available to them which are safe from the disease. LaForce was excited to let everyone know that the couple are likely to welcome more children in the near future.
“I would like to have them all. We’ll just see with my job and with Joe’s job what kind of help we can get,” said Allie. “We’ll take each day as it comes.”
Well, the fans and the community would be happy to see the LaForce-Smith family grow even bigger.