Barry Bonds might be the most polarizing player in MLB. Arguably the most talented player to ever grace the major leagues, Bonds made a name for himself by not only excelling on the field but also his multiple controversies off the field. The ultra-talented Bonds was one of the most feared hitters in MLB history, yet his connection to the use of performance-enhancing drugs has tainted his legacy.
His connection to the steroid scandal, as well as his fiery attitude towards the media and journalists who covered him throughout his career, have kept him out of the Hall of Fame. While some feel that this is the wrong decision by the Hall of Fame voters, there remains a stigma around Barry Bonds and the steroid allegations that have followed him well after his playing days.

Though Barry Bonds has not, and may never, find himself enshrined in the National Baseball Hall of Fame, this did not prevent the MLB from promoting his career on their social media accounts. The MLB decided to highlight the incredible offensive career of the Bonds as part of their Black History Month posts, something that did not go unnoticed.
Many fans took to social media to condemn the MLB's decision to post about Bonds while also continuing to keep him out of the Hall of Fame. A number of outraged fans claimed that the league should not be posting about Barry Bonds' MLB career if they believe that he is unworthy to earn induction into the Hall of Fame.
Fans have also taken shots at the MLB posting about Barry Bonds given his connection to PEDs
Many baseball fans were not only upset about the MLB's post about Bonds because of the league keeping him out of the Hall of Fame, but also the fact that they promoted a player so heavily linked to steroids.
Some of these upset fans have taken shots at the former San Francisco Giants and Pittsburgh Pirates slugger, calling him the biggest cheater of all time. These outraged fans believe that the MLB should not be promoting the careers of any players linked to steroid usage.