In a heartwarming an unconventional managerial announcement, the Milwaukee Brewers’ General Manager, Matt Arnold, enlisted the help of his son, Tyler, to deliver the news to the team’s new skipper, Pat Murphy. The video, undoubtedly orchestrated by Arnold, captured the genuine and emotional moment as young Tyler makes the call to Murphy, who can be heard eagerly awaiting the news on the other end of the line.
"We wanted to know if you want to be the manager of the Brewers?" - Asked Tyler in a sweet and straighforward manner.
Murphy’s response, captured in the video, reflects the significance of the moment, as he exclaims:
"Nice bro! Something I dreamed about, man."
The unconventional and personal approach to announcing managerial changes adds a human touch to the often-formal proceedings in the MLB. The video, shared on social media, not only provides an inside look at the behind-the-scenes moments but also showcase the relationship and camaraderie within the Brewers organization.
"This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen." - Posted one fan.
Pat Murphy will continue Craig Counsell’s legacy in the Milwaukee Brewers.
Following the heartwarming announcement, the Milwaukee Brewers officially confirmed Pat Murphy as the new manager. The decision comes less than a week after the departure of Craig Counsell, who joined the Chicago Cubs. The Brewers also announced that longtime second baseman Rickie Weeks would serve as Murphy’s associate manager.
"Go out and get a wheelbarrow. Lol." - Added another Brewers fan.
Murphy, 64, has been associated with the Brewers since 2015 when he joined Counsell’s coaching staff as the bench coach. His coaching journey spans decades, including stints in college baseball and the minor leagues. The video of Tyler Arnold breaking the news to Murphy adds a unique and memorable chapter to the managerial transition, emphasizing the personal bonds that exted beyond the field.
As Pat Murphy officially takes the reins as the Brewers’ new manager, the team and its fans eagerly await the next chapter under his leadership. The unexpected and heartwarming announcement sets a positive tone for the future, highlighting the Brewers’ commitment to family-oriented and interconnected approach within the organization.