Sometimes in sports, athletes will try anything to get out of a funk, from prayers to lucky rabbit's feet, one never knows what may turn things, in Ty France's case, it was a chiropractor. The Seattle Mariners first baseman was in the middle of a cold streak at the plate when one of the team's chiropractors messaged him to come in for a visit.
"Ty France was searching for an answer to his recent hitting slump. He found it after an out-of-the-blue text message from an unexpected source. Via @A_Jude:" - @SeaTimesSports

It was during this visit that the chiropractor discovered that Ty France's spinal alignment was off. The discovery was made when France was asked to turn his head as if he was at home plate batting, it was then that both parties found that he was unable to move smoothly.
Since France was unable to turn his neck comfortably, they believed at as a way of compensating, the first baseman was opening up his shoulders during his swing. This was causing an issue with France's mechanics, and very well could have been the reason for his prolonged struggles at the plate.
"Ty France reached base 3 times last night and drove in the tying run. He's made a mechanical adjustment and went in for a chiropractic adjustment to help him get more square at the plate. He was opening up early and that had him trying to cheat the fastball." - @JenTalksSports
Upon further analysis with the Seattle Mariners hitting coach, the suspected change in his swing mechanics was apparent. While it is still a work in progress, both France and the coaching staff are optimistic that the adjustment made by both the chiropractor and the hitting coach will allow the slugger to get back to his normal form.
Ty France believes that the stiffness and injury to his neck came nearly one month ago
France believes that the issues with neck date back to early July when the first baseman collided with Isaac Paredes of the Tampa Bay Rays. In what turned out to be a massive collision, Paredes was forced to exit the game, while France sat out the three games that followed.
"A big collision between Isaac Paredes and Ty France. Isaac Paredes was removed from the game" - @TalkinBaseball_
While he was out of the lineup due to soreness in his ribs, the collision versus the Tampa Bay Rays is likely the source of his spinal alignment being off.