Team USA catcher Will Smith is drawing his fair share of controversy. He was spotted snubbing a fellow MLB star during the USA-Mexico World Baseball Classic game on March 12.
Tensions ran high as the star-studded USA failed to contain the Mexican bats. The USA went through eight pitchers as they fell to Team Mexico in an 11-5 upset on Sunday.
Although Team USA has some of the best players in the world, it was minor leaguer Joey Meneses who dominated the game. The Sinaloan first baseman hit a pair of two-run home runs and gained overnight popularity with Mexican fans.

"This is completely speculative but it sure looked like Will Smith refused to give Randy Arozarena a fist bump. Rivalry game." - @ Danny Vietti
During the fourth inning, Tampa Bay Rays outfielder Randy Arozarena stepped up to the plate. Although he was born in Cuba, Arozarena defected to Mexico in 2016 and has represented the country ever since.
Before he stepped up into the batter's box, Arozarena stretched out his hand in an attempt to offer catcher Will Smith a fist-bump. Footage showed the Los Angeles Dodgers catcher ostensibly looking off Arozarena.
On the same play, Arozarena proceeded to hit an RBI double, which opened up a commanding 4-1 lead for the Mexicans. Upon watching replays of the awkward encounter, fans were quick to admonish Will Smith for his unsportsmanlike conduct.
"Bush league" was a term thrown around by many Twitter accounts. Some directed anecdotes of their children watching, and wished that Smith had set a more chivalrous example.
Some fans even went as far as to suggest that Smith's snub of Arozarena was "racially motivated." Some used Smith's vocal support of former President Donald Trump to back up claims that the catcher had ill will towards the Mexican nation.
All that can be proven, however, is that Smith's actions reinforced the narrative that tensions reached a fever pitch during the Pool C matchup at Chase Field, home of the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Will Smith controversy distracts from Team USA's wider issues
Team USA, touted as one of the most skilled teams in the tournament, lost to Mexico in quite a humiliating manner. While this can be seen as a stark embarrassment, Smith and his teammates would be better off learning from their mistakes to ensure that they are able to compete against any opponent that they run into in the later rounds.