Former Chicaco White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski is not a fan of empty stadiums, and he recently made his frustration known.
In a video by "Foul Territory", Pierzynski expressed his disappointment in seeing the Oakland Athletics play in what he considers to be basically empty stadiums.

The video clip shows Pierzynksi responding to a question about the lack of attendance at the Oakland Coliseum, stating:
"It’s just not a good look [...] I’s bad for baseball. Baseball needs people in the stands. It’s tough to watch, it’s tough to play in, it’s not fun. I hate it".
What has caused the decline in attendance for the Oakland Athletics?
The aforementioned comments come at a time when the Oakland Athletics have been struggling to fill their ballpark for multiple seasons now. The boycott set up by fans following the announcement to move the team to Las Vegas has just made things worse.
In recent years, the team has consistently ranked at the bottom of the league in attendance with many games played in front of empty seats. This Tuesday, the A’s recorded a devastating 2,500 fans in attendance.

Pierzynski’s frustration is shared by many fans and players across the league, who see empty stadiums as a symptom of larger issues with the sport. Some have blamed the lack of attendance on the rising cost of tickets and the decline of the sport vs. other more popular competitors like the NFL and the NBA.
Whatever the cause, the empty stadiums have become a source of embarassment for the sport and a major concern for league officials and team owners. It has lead to many franchises analyzing the possibility of moving to new markets and cities.
Pierzynski and the importance of fans in sports
Despite his criticism, Pierzynski remains a fan of the sport and a strong advocate for the importance of fans in the stands.
"It’s just not the same without fans [...] It’s just not the same atmosphere, it’s not the same vibe". I hope that we can figure something out and get people back in the stands because that’s what baseball needs".
Pierzynski’s comments highlight the importance of fans in the sport of baseball. As the league grapples with declining attendance and changing demographics, it will need to find new ways to engage with fans and bring them back to the stadiums. While there are no easy solutions, his words serve as a reminder that empty stadiums are not just a bad look for the sport, but a threat to its future.