Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Mookie Betts is tramautizing Pittsburgh Pirates baserunners this week. Yesterday, he threw out Bryan Reynolds at third base. This evening, he upped the stakes by throwing out Ben Gamel at home plate. To make matters worse for Gamel, he ran right into a double-play. Take a look at this replay. You can't blame Gamel for thinking he had a chance.
"DO NOT RUN ON BETTS" - @Blake Harris

Betts is causing so much damage from the outfield that the Pirates need to add an eleventh commandment to their tablet of unwritten baseball rules: thou shalt not run on Mookie.
Los Angeles Dodgers fans react to Mookie Betts showing off his cannon arm

Naturally, Twitter got in on the action. Some fans thought that Dodgers catcher Austin Barnes didn't apply the tag for the out. But who's here to argue with the ump? We're not. That Betts throw is keeping us busy enough.
This user kept things short and sweet. Gamel is going to be hanging his head over this run-attempt all night.
"He put Gamel in his f***ing place" - @The Disgruntled Colon
Someone named @horrible decided to take things in a different direction. As it just so happens, Mookie is a vegan. This user was shocked that anyone who abstains from meat and dairy could throw like that.
"pretty good throw.......for a vegan" - @horrible
Pretty good point here. Why did Gamel bother running on Betts? He saw what happened to Reynolds last night.
"I genuinely don't know why anyone runs on Betts. He's got one of the most accurate arms in right field in the game!" - @EE
Look away, Boston Red Sox fans. This Tweet contains offensive material. Seriously though, Boston is definitely missing this right-field rocket arm.
"Imagine trading Mookie Betts." - @Kirbs Lurb
This user couldn't believe how productive Betts has been from the outfield over the past two days. Here's one thing to ponder: Betts' WAR is about to skyrocket.
"Mookie Betts has an insane arm. This is two outfield assists in 2 games for Mookie!" - @Crazy Baseball News & Questions
This user echoed the maxim that many other fans have been chanting on Twitter: thou shalt not run on Betts.
"why do they never learn: you dont. run. on. betts." - @lizzy
Not sure if this user is a Dodgers fan. They seem a little spiteful towards Tony Gonsolin, who's been pitching great this year. But yes, we're sure that even Tony Gonsolin is grateful to have Betts in the outfield.
"Gonsolin lucky asf he got Mookie Betts" - @.
We're sorry to keep hollaring this at you, Ben Gamel, but why on earth did you run on Betts? Sorry, but we're not sorry.
"When will the Pirates learn to NOT run on MOOKIE BETTS" - @Doyers stan
Expect Tweets like these to keep coming in all night. Ben Gamel is going to have a rough time trying to sleep tonight. Let's hope he's not on Twitter.