Reagan Elizabeth Bregman, wife of Astros All-Star Alex Bregman, turned heads with her new outfit at her friend’s wedding ceremony. Mrs. Bregman donned a pink dress by Nookie for the wedding vows and shared photos with her friends and bride on Instagram.
“This weekend was a dream, cheers to the Selbys @_courtneyblanch @griffin_selby,” she wrote.
She also shared photos of her attending and celebrating her friend’s special occasion in different outfits for each day this weekend.
“New Favorite color [written in blue],” she wrote on one picture.
“Time to celebrate our girl,” she posted.
Her followers have enjoyed regular updates from Reagan featuring her glamorous outfits at special events. She also often shares moments with her husband and Knox Samuel Bregman, their soon-to-be two-year-old son.
Wife Reagan hails husband Alex Bregman as the best family photographer
Alex Bregman is a man of many talents. His on-field ability is among the best in the league, helping the Astros climb the ranks this season. However, his off-field skills are rarely discussed. One such talent was recently revealed by Bregman’s wife, Reagan, who hailed her partner as the best photographer.
On a relaxing day, little Knox joined mommy Reagan in the pull, and Bregman captured a perfectly candid mother-son moment, impressing his wife. She shared the shot on Instagram, writing on behalf of her son:
“My dad takes the best pics.”
Bregman had a busy weekend, sweeping the New York Mets and bringing their record to 42-41. The Astros went 17-8 in June, their best yet, carrying an unbroken win streak for the past five series. It remains to be seen if they can hold on to it in July.