Washington Nationals pitcher Chad Kuhl's wife Amanda posted family pictures on social media from Nationals Park. In the stunning photographs, Kuhl's son Hudson is seen enjoying a firecrackers show at the ballpark. In other pictures, he is all smiles wearing a jersey with dad Chad Kuhl's name on it.
"making mems" - Amanda Kuhl

Chad Kuhl's wife Amanda was diagnosed with cancer in late January as the couple was preparing to have a child. The couple, who already have a two-year-old son, Hudson, was open to welcoming another member into the family.
Chad Kuhl's wife Amanda shared her breast cancer journey
Since receiving a breast cancer diagnosis, Amanda has often gone public with the details of her treatment. She regularly shared stories on Instagram, where she provided updates on the experience of undergoing chemotherapy.
“It was important to me, first of all, so people knew to do their self testing, because I wasn’t,” Amanda said. “But other than that, I just wanted to share what a 30-year-old going through chemo is."
"Happy Chemo Day!" - Amanda Kuhl
In an interview with MLB.com, Chad Kuhl also spoke about freezing Amanda's eggs in the wake of her cancer diagnosis
"That was a tough blow to us. To see her go through the egg saving and fertility treatments and to see her stab herself once a night, it’s something that I don’t think I could do myself," Chad said. "You see that strength in her because it’s almost like just another thing that she was going to do, and it wasn’t something that she was going to complain about.”
The "Cancer Isn't Kuhl" campaign was introduced by Amanda and Chad on April 28 in collaboration with Washington Nationals Philanthropies to support Breast Care in Washington.

Kuhl formerly played in MLB games with the Colorado Rockies and the Pittsburgh Pirates.