In 2015, Pedro Martinez saw himself become enshrined as an MLB Hall of Famer, along with some of the greatest to ever play the game.
Martinez became dear to Boston Red Sox fans after playing seven years there, helping lead the team to the 2004 World Series title against the St. Louis Cardinals. However, not all moments were cherished by the Boston legend. His on-field tussle with Yankees coach Don Zimmer was one of the most notorious.
In a 2009 Associated Press article, it was reported that Pedro Martinez was furious at the media for portraying him as a New York villain in the aftermath of his 2003 brawl with Yankees coach Don Zimmer.

“You guys have used me and abused me," Martinez said in a press conference in 2009. "I remember quotes in the paper, 'Here comes the man that New York loves to hate. You guys have abused my name. You guys have said so many things, have written so many things.'
“It was something that we have to let go kind of, and forget about it, because it was a disgrace for baseball. Even though it wasn't my fault, I was involved in it, and it's one of the moments that I don't like to see. I don't like to see it because I'm not a violent man," he said at the same conference.
The on-field incident still bothers Pedro Martinez to this day
In 2021, while enjoying his peaceful retirement, Martinez appeared on an “Untold Stories” episode with Master Tesfatsion by Bleacher Report. During the conversation, he dove into the story of the infamous brawl that took place between him and former Yankee coach Don Zimmer.
“That’s the only blemish I would love to erase from my career,” said Martinez while discussing the incident on the show. “There hasn’t been any other moment where I felt worse in my life than that moment.” [time stamp: 3.24]
Let’s return to October 2003. It is Game 3 of the ALCS between the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox. It all started when Martinez threw a wild pitch far outside of the plate that almost hit the Yankee slugger Karim Garcia at the top of the fourth.
“I’m dragging. I’m tired. I’m aching. You can’t let the opposition know that your shoulder hurts. So the ball, instead of in front of him, came behind him.” Martinez talked about his unintentional pitch to Garcia.
They had a verbal argument later that inning where Martinez claimed that Garcia took out the second baseman while sliding.
“He (Garcia) almost kills the second baseman. He was sliding to second and took my second baseman out. I just said, 'What are you thinking? You crazy. Clean it up,” he shared.
However, at the bottom of that same inning, the situation escalated further, when Manny Ramirez ran into a similar scenario from the New York side. This led to the clearing of the benches from both sides and a brawl between the teams ensued.
Martinez said that he was in the bathroom when this happened, and he quickly went to the field to assess the situation. However, to his surprise, then 72-year-old Don Zimmer was dashing toward him and uttered some bad words while trying to jab him. He pulled Zimmer in self-defense, and he fell to the ground, halting the whole game.
“I was in the bathroom. When I came out the brawl was already (started), and I’m trying to see what’s going on. I see Zimmer rushing towards me, and I’m like, “What?” said Martinez.
“That’s when he got close to me, said some bad words that I didn’t expect from the Zimmer either. He actually tried to jab me. So I pulled it, and that’s why it looks like I grabbed him.”
Despite the passage of time, Martinez is still asked about the incident. Each time, he makes his intentions clear by attempting to clarify the situation. The Boston Red Sox icon regrets the incident, which continues to haunt him, even in retirement.