In a heartwarming Mother's Day (Sunday, May 14) interview, Lars Nootbaar raised the standard for children around the world. Nootbaar recently gave an interview to ESPN which has everyone, especially mothers, delighted by the sheer adorableness.
Nootbar is the 25-year-old outfielder for St. Louis Cardinals. He has been making waves in the MLB. Nootbaar grew up in California. His father is of Dutch and German descent. Whereas, his mother is Japanese.
The outfielder, who is incredibly close with her mother, melted hearts while talking about her during the ESPN interview.

The host of the interview asked Nootbaar about his mother. Nootbaar became sentimental while telling the world his mother is his everything. Then, Nootbaar was surprised when his mother appeared on the screen. Nootbaar's mother, Kumiko, was secretly invited to appear during the interview. The outfielder was surprised and even asked if the feed was live right now after seeing his mother's face. He again repeated the heartfelt words he said before about his mother.
"She's my everything," he said. "She's my best friend."
The mother-son bond seen in this interview may very well make any heart melt and many sigh with envy. Nootabaar recently even represented Japan in the World Baseball Classics 2023 tournament to honor his mother.
Lars Nootbaar's mother revealed that the St. Louis Cardinals outfielder is a crybaby
Lars Nootbaar ended up crying after realizing that his mother was really there for the interview. The Cardinals outfielder called her his best friend and everything with a lump in his throat.
Nootbaar's mother, Kumiko, also revealed that she received flowers from him as a Mother's Day present. Watching her son cry during the interview after seeing her, she called him a crybaby.
"He's a crier. He cries a lot," said Kumiko.
Trying to defend his dignity, Lars Nootbaar immediately teasingly contradicted his mother.
"I only get emotional when I see her," Nootbaar said in reply to his mother's teasing.
Seeing this adorable moment, everyone's heart melted in the audience. The host himself looked amused and fond of the bond between the mother-son duo.