Maine vs Massachusetts in the Little League World Series is going to be a very key matchup. Both teams come in just one win away from entering the LLWS, so they need to win today. Both teams would like to win and not go home, so it will be a matchup to watch.
The New England Regional Championship will see Maine and Massachusetts square off today at 7 p.m. EST for the Little League World Series. Here's what you need to know.

Maine vs Massachusetts Little League World Series details
The Maine vs Massachusetts Little League World Series game is scheduled for 7 p.m. today and it will be televised on ESPN, as most games of the LLWS have been. It is the final game of this series, so it is not one you will want to miss out on.

The game will be held in Bristol Connecticut, where the other LLWS games have been held. Maine head coach Brad Shelley said via News Center Maine:
“We’ve been taking it one game at a time, one opponent at a time."
Assistant coach Mike Amergian said:
“This has been probably one of the greatest experiences of my life and I got [my son Mason] and 13 others to thank."
Will that experience continue after today? Tune in at 7 p.m. EST to find out! The winner will move on and the loser will go home and try again next year.