MLB fans are in disagreement over the automated strike zone once again. Video has come out of an automated strike zone at the minor league level that allows batters to challenge balls and strikes instantly. The batter taps their head if they don't agree with the umpire's call and the play is reviewed on the monitor in the outfield for everyone to see.
It mimics how tennis does their challenging system. While it looks like the product is still being developed, it gives baseball fans a glimpse at what's potentially coming in the future.

Baseball fans are divided over the automatic strike zone coming to Major League Baseball. Since seeing the video, some fans have changed their stance. They believe this is a great start to what should be implemented in the MLB.
Other fans don't want an automatic strike zone in the game of baseball. Some enjoy the human element of the game and believe that's what makes baseball, baseball.
"Maybe it will help fix constant bad call before a full robo zone is forced into the game." one fan said.
I'm not a fan of auto strike zones, I will always love the human element of the game" argued another.
The idea of a challenging system seems to be the best way to appease people on both sides. It allows for the human element of umpires, while still having an automatic strike zone. If the system is polished and kept to a limited amount of challenges, this could be really effective at the major league level.
Major League Baseball will not be able to please everyone. This seems to be the best solution to please people on both sides.
MLB will likely implement an automatic strike zone by 2024

MLB commissioner Rob Manfred has already announced plans to implement an automatic strike zone within the league. That is why it has been tested at the minor league level so far. The automatic strike zone at the minor league level is an experiment for MLB.
He has already implemented some changes to the game starting next year that are sure to shake things up.
The league is implementing a pitch clock next season to try and speed up the game. The bases will be bigger to help with player safety as well. But the biggest change coming next season is the banning of the defensive shift.
Manfred is trying to change the game of baseball for the better. It will be interesting to see if the fans think these changes are for the better next season.