In one of the strangest stories you'll see this year, the New York Yankees have released former third-round pick Jake Sanford after he allegedly stole teammates' equipment and tried to sell it online. It also appears that Jake Sanford also allegedly scammed fans by making sales for items that did not exist and providing them with nothing.
This is certainly not the way Jake Sanford saw his MLB career going, and despite his youth, this will be a difficult story to come back from. Even if he was a number one overall draft pick, this betrayal will be hard for teams and players to look past.
The story that has to be seen to be believed was initially reported by Brendan Kuty via Twitter.

"Sources: The Yankees cut third-round pick Jake Sanford after he allegedly stole bats and gloves from teammates and tried to sell them online. He also allegedly scammed fans, selling autographed equipment and never delivering" - @ Brendan Kuty
It took mere moments for the reaction to this story to reach hilarious heights, with a sense of confusion and plenty of humor.
New York Yankees released prospect is getting plenty of traction

Almost every day, big league teams make roster adjustments that go unnoticed. This unique story from the New York Yankees, however, captured the attention and interest of every MLB fan.
This user, Chase, spoke for all of us with his immediate reaction to the story.
"This is insane man what made u do this lmfao" - @ Chase
Marcus S was slightly more critical of the young player, but he is probably right.
"You've gotta be hella dumb to do some shit like this" - @ Marcus S
This user is jokingly disappointed that some of the Aaron Judge memorabilia he received is fake!
"So you’re telling me the Erin Judd autograph he scored me is a fake?!" - @ Curbed Comedy
This user was sure to point out that his work ethic is undeniable. How many MLB players do you know that have two jobs?
"You know my man is going to hustle out every grounder with that work ethic" - @ Mark Calamari
This New York Yankees fan really summarizes the core of people's reaction to this story.
"Wasn’t worth it dude lmfaooo" - @ Jay
Of course, the baseball-centered jokes are the best ones available.
"Ironically, no stolen bases" - @ Charlie Bowman
It would not be a New York Yankees story if someone did not relate it to the Houston Astros cheating scandal, which Craig did for us this time around.
"Pretty sure this is the Astros fault" - @ Craig Mack
The New York Yankees may have parted ways with their third round draft pick, but this story and the fan reaction will be with the team forever.