While traditionally the MLB hands out the Silver Slugger Award for the top batter at each position in both the NL and AL, now it will hand out the Team Silver Slugger Award. Louisville Slugger has announced that they will hand out the team-based offensive award for the first time at the end of the 2023 regular season.
"MLB is introducing a team Silver Slugger award this season" - @TalkinBaseball_

The MLB Team Silver Slugger Award will be presented to the top offensive teams in both the National and American Leagues. The winning teams of each award will be based on a combination of offensive statistics, while also taking the results of a fan vote into account.
According to Louisville Slugger's marketing manager Jake Misener, the company was excited to be able to include the input of fans when determining the winner of a major award. He continued, saying, "For decades, the Silver Slugger has represented the pinnacle of individual offensive achievements and we cannot wait to do the same for the teams."
A look at which teams will be eligible for the Team Silver Slugger Award and when the voting will open
Once voting opens on Sept. 25, fans will be able to vote on the teams vying for the award. The top four offensive teams in both the American and National League will be eligible for the award, with fan voting running from Sept. 25 to Oct. 1, which is the final game of the regular season.
"This year will feature the first-ever 'Silver Slugger Team Awards' Winners will be determined through a calculation of offensive statistics and a fan vote" - @BRWalkoff
The award, which will be presented to the winning team by one lucky fan, will be announced live on the MLB Network's Silver Slugger Award Show on Nov. 9. There is no word yet about which four teams will be nominated from each league, however, the betting favorites in the National League will undoubtedly be the Atlanta Braves, who have dominated all season.
While the Braves will likely win the award for the National League, the American League is less clear-cut. The Texas Rangers, Tampa Bay Rays, Houston Astros, and Los Angeles Angels could be among the teams vying for the award.