Matt Dermody is being called up to throw for the Boston Red Sox. The 32-year-old pitcher has been in their minor leagues but is making the jump to the majors as Boston needs a starter. This move is not without controversy, though, as Dermody has old tweets that may come back to haunt him.
Matt Dermody posted homophobic tweets in June of 2021, during Pride Month. The main one reads:

"#PrideMonth Homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. They will go to hell. This is not my opinion, but the #Truth. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9. May we all examine our hearts, ask Jesus to forgive us, and repent of all our sins. I love you all in Christ Jesus!"
The tweet has since been deleted, but Dermody replied back and forth with a few users to double down on his take. With his recent call-up, the tweets and his opinions are back in the spotlight.
Matt Dermody almost cut by Red Sox after homophobia
Matt Dermody's tweets almost made the Red Sox cut him. Chaim Bloom said via CBS Sports:
"It's important to us that he had taken the tweet down and important why he had done it. I talked to him personally about that and what he told me was that it really came down to two things. One, he didn't realize that his words would be hurtful and he didn't want to hurt anybody and when he realized that they were, he took (the post) down. He also understood that it's not the right use of his platform. He knows he made a mistake tweeting that."

Instead, he'll be used as a Red Sox spot starter very soon. Ultimately, his tweets were not forgotten and they will likely plague him wherever he goes.