Jonathan India inadvertently made one lucky fans' night when he hit his sixth home run of the year against the Miami Marlins Monday night. India's first major league grand slam guided the Cincinnati Reds to a 11-2 victory. It was a memorable moment for the Reds star, who won the National League Rookie of the Year in 2021.
It's well documented that baseball players around the league have a soft spot for their firsts. First major league start, first at-bat, first hit, first home run. After the game, India reached out to the Reds community in search of the fan who caught his first grand slam.
For a player who is only in his second year in the majors, it's natural for India to want a souvenir for his collection.
Over the past two seasons, the 25-year-old has been one of the standout performers for an inconsistent Reds team. Last season, he batted .269/.376/.459 with 21 home runs and 69 RBIs. He finshed first in runs (98) and second in hits (143) and OBP (.376) for the Reds.
"Jonathan India, the 2021 NL ROY, hit his first career grand slam" - SportsCenter
The second baseman was voted the 2021 NL Rookie of the year and his stock has been rising ever since.
Jonathan India shows promise as one of the leagues future stars
The 2022 season has not been as kind to India. Injuries to his hamstring and ankle have forced him to miss a significant portion of the season. After a difficult start, he looks back in form and has now played a total of 44 games. His batting average has steadily improved. He is now hitting .240 and has contributed with six home runs and 20 RBIs.
The story on Tuesday, however, was all about finding that home run ball.
"Hey #Reds Nation! Let’s help find this guy that caught India’s first career grand slam!" - Mathew Wood
After India reached out over Twitter, Bally Sports Ohio's Jim Day reported the next day that a fan named Jake had responded to India. The two of them have apparently negotiated a deal for the ball. The exact terms of the deal are yet to be made public.
For a Reds team that has been hot and cold all season, it's nice to see a feel-good story that has a happy ending. The team is currently 37-59, 16 games behind the first-placed Milwaukee Brewers in the NL Central. Monday night, however, will be remembered fondly by both Jonathan India and one lucky Reds fan.