Aaron Judge and Alex Rodriguez are two names that have become almost synonymous with the New York Yankees. With a combined time on the team of nearly two decades, it's hard to get more recognizable.
Both players possessed incredible power. Rodriguez won the MVP Award twice with the Yankees, and led the MLB in home runs both times. In 2007, his second MVP campaign, A-Rod led the league in runs, home runs, RBIs, SLG, and OPS. Aaron Judge, by comparison, has also led the MLB in home runs twice, including his single-season record of 62 bombs hit in 2022.
While it is generally understood among fans that the two larger-than-life figures come from different eras, a Yankees fan recently shared how narrowly the pair missed each other.

Fans were interested to learn that the pair of superstars missed playing together by just one day. However, more still were bothered by the apparent comparison between Judge and Alex Rodriguez, and the implication that the former was the latter's inheritor.
"Alex Rodriguez last career game: August 12th, 2016. Aaron Judge first career game: August 13th, 2016. A-Rod's final gift to the Yankees was transferring all of his powers and integrity to Aaron Judge. Very similar to Jesus." - Barry
In the post, it is floated that Alex Rodriguez "transferred" his powers and integrity when the outfielder Judge took his place with the New York Yankees in 2016, and even compared the passing-of-the-torch moment to Jesus Christ. Many fans do not seem to be buying the notion.
Despite being an absolutely dominant hitter, Alex Rodriguez had his fair share of scandal. Most notably, his implication in the BALCO affair which led to revelations of years of steroid use from Rodriguez. As a punishment, A-Rod was banned for the entirety of the 2014 season.
Aaron Judge, by comparison, has never had any sort of run-in with PEDs. His 6-foot-7 frame allows him to crush the ball in an ostensibly natural way.
While they may inherit very different legacies, Judge and Rodriguez may be more similar than many think. Rodriguez' 2000 contract with the Texas Rangers made him the highest-paid baseball player ever, while Judge's 2022 deal with the Yankees made him the highest-paid position player ever, as well as the team's first captain since Derek Jeter.
Aaron Judge and Alex Rodriguez are two different players, and always will be
While the two men will continue to invoke feelings of envy, hatred, pride and love for the rest of their lives, there can only be one A-Rod, and there can only be one Judge.