If Theo Epstein does jump the Red Sox for the Cubs, this song will be played on repeat until the last day of Hanukkah…
In case you have been stuck working all day, you have probably heard of the report from the Boston Herald about Red Sox GM Theo Epstein being on the brink of joining the Cubs. The report states that Epstein is expected to leave Bean Town for Chi City “within the next 24 to 48 hours,” and will accept a position with greater power than he has in Boston. My first reaction to this report was similar to Henry Hill’s in Goodfellas when he was in the shower and first heard the news of the Lufthansa Heist. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, THEO!”

The two hold ups are that Boston wants Theo to remain with the team, and that they “want something real” from the Cubs in return. Fine. Take whatever you want. No, I’m not being shortsighted here. I doubt the Cubs will give up Starlin Castro (I would if it ensured the Cubs getting the $300 million to renovate the cursed palace), but let the Bo-Sox have Matt Garza or Andrew Cashner. They won’t be competing for a world series title while Garza is in his prime, and Cashner’s arm already fell off once. Take them. Oh, you want cash too? Done. The Cubs have $40 million coming off the books, so I’m sure there is enough to satisfy the entitled Red Sox.
I never thought the Cubs had a legitimate shot at Epstein, but here we are. Holy shit, do I love being wrong. So until further news breaks, I’ll be listening to Sandler’s Hanukkah song and drinking Manischewitz celebrating the fact that the Cubs are close to finally have a real baseball guy run their organization. And if Clown Kenney is ushered to the curb like the no mind ass-hat he is, even better. Get excited, Cub fans. This is the best thing to happen to this organization since they beat the Braves in the ’03 division series.