The Major League Baseball world witnessed a very tragic event in Vin Scully's passing yesterday, August 2. Scully was one of the most iconic baseball announcers ever, and he will truly be missed by all.
Scully is one of few icons in Major League Baseball that has transcended generations. Scully announced MLB games for 66 years, starting in 1950 and ending with the 2016 season. Due to his coverage of both the Los Angeles Dodgers games and national events, Scully holds a lot of announcing records.

One in particular that is extremely notable is that Scully called 4% of all baseball games in Major League Baseball history. Yes, this includes every single MLB game even before games were televised.
That comes out to approximately 9,436 baseball games and covers fifty-eight 162-game seasons.
Of course, when this information was posted on social media, baseball fans were shocked with the sheer number of games. It is hard to imagine that just one person has announced so many games in their career.
Some even started to speculate the age differences Scully covered. The youngest player he covered was born in 1996, whereas some managers in 1950 were likely born in the 1800s. That is potentially more than a 100-year age range in players and personnel.
Scully announced games for the majority of the MLB's existence. Let's take a look into Scully's announcing career.
Inside the announcing career of Vin Scully

Scully started his Major League Baseball announcing career all the way back in 1950 with the Brooklyn Dodgers as a replacement. In 1953, Scully became the youngest announcer to host an MLB World Series at just 26 years old.
Vin Scully made the trip with the Dodgers when they moved to Los Angeles in 1958. Since he was so popular, fans would often bring radios to the game so they could hear his broadcast. He announced games for the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers from 1950-2016. Scully also worked at NBC and CBS covering nationally televised Major League Baseball games starting in 1983 and ending in 2016.
Although Scully is no longer with us, he will forever be remembered in MLB history. The amount of games he covered will likely go unmatched, and he is regarded as one of the best to ever do it.