Anthony Bass, a Toronto Blue Jays reliever, was traveling on United Airlines with his wife and two children. His wife is also pregnant with their third child, and is 22 weeks along. On the flight, an unfortunate incident occurred.
One of Bass' children had spilled some popcorn on the floor under the seat. According to Bass' own account, the pitcher's wife was forced to get down and pick up the spilled popcorn. This did not make Bass happy.

What happened with Anthony Bass and his wife on the United flight?
The incensed Blue Jays star took to Twitter to highlight his frustration:
"The flight attendant @united just made my 22 week pregnant wife traveling with a 5 year old and 2 year old get on her hands and knees to pick up the popcorn mess by my youngest daughter. Are you kidding me?!?!"
As the picture indicates, it was quite a bit of popcorn that was on the floor and a pregnant woman was reportedly forced to pick it up by hand. Several replies on Twitter suggested that fans were divided on how to react to the news.

Some fans said that instead, Anthony Bass should have never given his child any popcorn to begin with. Kids do make messes, so Bass should have known better.
Others suggested that it was even worse that the relief pitcher allowed his wife to clean it up and didn't get down to do it for her.