MLB the Show challenges can be very difficult as many players have discovered. Making the World Series in ranked seasons is a nigh impossible feat. Several other challenges have come up for Diamond Dynasty that just seem impossible. This YouTuber may have found the worst of them all.
Fuzzy Gaming said:

"I found the hardest challenge in MLB the Show 23. It's not going 12-0 in Battle Royale or even making World Series in Ranked Seasons. It's trying to fill up the entire pinpoint meter when you're pitching."
The YouTuber set out to try the impossible task of filling up the pinpoint meter in MLB the Show by using Satchel Paige. Paige has an iconic windup that takes a long time, thus giving the player more time to fill up the meter.
MLB the Show YouTuber discovers impossible challenge after tons of tries
After the 43rd attempt, Fuzzy Gaming warned other MLB the Show 23 players to not even bother with this challenge. The challenge involves running the joystick cursor back and forth within the circle. Everywhere it goes fills the circle with yellow, leaving the rest empty.

There are several issues with this challenge that make it very difficult. First of all, having a brand new controller with no joystick issues and smooth movements is the only way to ensure nothing goes wrong on the technical end for it.
Secondly, it requires a very fast finger, which some gamers have and others do not. Players have to go at rapid speed to even come close to filling it up, which is borderline impossible in the time given.
After 100 attempts, even Fuzzy Gaming quit trying.