New York Yankees star Aaron Judge has discovered the subtle habit of picking up dirt on the mound whenever he feels he needs to refocus and give him the edge on the field.
So incredibly subtle that most of his New York Yankee teammates didn’t even know this!

For Judge, it was more than just picking up that dirt. It was part of a more profound routine that helped slow things down and focus on the present. He said:
"For me, it's just a way of slowing things down, taking an extra two or three seconds to grab some dirt. For me, all my negative thoughts that I have about, 'How did you miss that pitch? Why did you miss that pitch? You shouldn't have missed that pitch.' I just kind of sit there and kind of crush it up, and once I'm done doing that ... I just kind of toss it aside”
It was a mental game for the player, and anything that helped him get into the best headspace mentally, he would do. Judge said:
"The mental game is what separates the good players from the great players. So anything I can do to get that mental edge to help me stay my best, I'm gonna try and do it."
Judge picked up the habit of dirt-scooping in college after reading a book co-written by sports psychologist Ken Ravizza entitled “Heads-Up Baseball.”
While most people have turned a blind eye to this habit for the longest time, it was never a secret to the New York Yankees’ Manager Joe Girardi. The reason is unknown to him too, but he believes that Judge might be doing it for a better grip.
While the real truth is still a mystery, it has worked for him in the past and there’s no reason not to believe it won’t in the future. Well, time is our only friend now.
Aaron Judge voted "Male Athlete of the Year"
Judge was voted The Associated Press (AP) "Male Athlete of the Year" in the United States.
"Aaron Judge has been named the AP Male Athlete of the Year" - Baseball Bros, Twitter
He narrowly beat Shohei Ohtani, the defending champion, to win the crown, a huge one in his bag. Judge told the AP:
“Wow. That’s incredible. All these other great athletes that not only impacted the game and their sport, but also impacted their communities and the culture in the sports world and outside the sports world. So getting a chance to be amongst that list is an incredible honor.”
With this win, Aaron Judge joins an esteemed list that includes Muhammad Ali, Wayne Gretzky, Jesse Owens, Michael Jordan, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, and Roger Maris.