Former pitching star Roger Clemens' wife Debbie Clemens testified that she had been given a shot of human growth hormone by her husband's former trainer Brian McNamee, who claimed to have also given Clemens the same injection.
Debbie in 2012 disclosed that she allegedly took PEDs prior to the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit shoot with the former Red Sox star to appear youthful.
“It was what I wanted to do,” Debbie said. She explained that she saw the drug as “a fountain of youth, keep young kind of thing.”

According to McNamee, Roger Clemens requested that McNamee inject Debbie Clemens with the human growth hormone in 2003 before a photo shoot for Sl magazine.
Clemens said that she had trouble falling asleep the night after getting the shot because of circulation problems. She talked about notifying her husband about the injection over the phone. She claimed that Roger "wasn't happy with Brian" about the situation, and wasn't present during the consumption of the drug.
Roger Clemens' involvement in the PED scandal
According to Jason Grimsley, a former pitcher who filed a federal lawsuit, Roger Clemens was one of numerous athletes who reportedly used PEDs in 2006.
"Roger says it is all nonsense. He said the pitcher 'takes vitamin B-12 shots and will pass every [drug] test.'"
Former New York Yankees pitcher Andy Pettitte, a former teammate of Roger Clemens, testified that Clemens admitted to using the human growth hormone between 1999 and 2000. The use of drugs by his wife was something he was alluding to.

Following his denial of using performance-enhancing drugs, Roger Clemens was facing a second trial on federal charges of lying to a U.S. congressional committee.
The Oversight and Government Reform Committee of the House of Representatives was looking into drug use in Major League Baseball at the time.