Former MLB player Jose Canseco, in his book "Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits & How Baseball Got Big," spoke about many debated topics that went viral. One of the heated topics that Canseco spoke about was the usage of performance-enhacing drugs by many MLB players.
In his book, Canseco exposed former MLB hitter and first baseman Jason Giambi and called him the steroid king of MLB, reports The New York Times.
Of his former Oakland Athletics teammate, Canseco said that Giambi "went overboard with steroids" and became "the most outright juicer in the game."
Canseco wrote that Giambi "had the most obvious steroid physique I've ever seen in my life." Canseco said that Giambi got "so bloated, it was unbelievable." "There was no definition to his body at all," Canseco wrote. "You could see the retention of liquids, especially in his neck and face; to those in the know, that was a sure sign of steroid overload."
According to reports, Giambi admitted to using steroids before signing with the New York Yankees in December 2001, 2002 and 2003, but not as early as 1997, the only year he and Jose Canseco shared a team. Giambi gave this testimony to the grand jury looking into the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative.
Jose Canseco blames steroids for his early exit from baseball
Canseco laments his voracious hunger for performance-enhancing drugs.
"A statement from the Oakland A's." - Oakland A
Canseco played his last game in 2001.
He attributed the PEDs to his early retirement from the game, his career and financial difficulties, and his current infertility to them.
"10 years of death threats and financial suffering for my family and me for telling the truth and making Mlb better." - Jose Canseco
In a 2010 interview, Jose Canseco said:
"I definitely regret getting involved with steroids in any way shape or form, No. 1, as a [teenager]. No. 2 is writing a book against Major League Baseball, because I have been living a life of basically terror ever since my book Juiced came out. Whether it be emotionally, financially, it is just terrible. People have to understand that I've been the only individual that has paid the price for the use of steroids, when other players have been given a slap on the hand, some games off, and some are still getting $100 million deals."
Giambi initially denied using drugs, but in 2004 he told a federal grand jury that during the 2003 baseball season, he had injected himself with the human growth hormone.
In his testimony, Giambi explained how he had injected testosterone and human growth hormones into his buttocks and stomach using syringes. Furthermore, Giambi claimed to have used "undetectable" steroids.