How Carlos Correa will benefit Minnesota Twins
Carlos Correa, the Puerto Rican shortstop, is poised for a career shift that will bring with it opportunities and challenges.

Carlos Correa was drafted in 2012, at the age of 17. Correa began his career with the Houston Astros. The Houston Astros entered the American League that year, having been in the National League since their inception in 1962.
It was not, however, until 2015 that Correa began playing with the Astros. In his rookie season, he posted an impressive 22 homeruns in 99 games, along with 68 RBIs and a very decent .279 average. These statistics were enough for him to be named the 2015 American League Rookie of the Year.

Correa, 21 at the time, did not stop there. He went on to play several more seasons with the Astros. The 2017 season was of of particular note for Correa, as he was named American League Player of the Month for May.
The Houston Astros would go on to win the World Series that year, a remarkable feat for a team that had finished last just four short years prior.
Correa is a large and commanding presence. He stands at 6'4" and weighs 220 pounds, making him nearly a full foot taller than Jose Altuve, the Astros second baseman with whom he has completed many eye-popping plays.

Despite his height, Correa moves gracefully. He chalks this up to a rigorous workout routine that exercises his core. He spends hours every day working on upper and lower pressure centers to maximize his stength and agility.
"At the Hard Work Boulevard" - @ Teamcjcorrea
With his contract in Houston ending, the Astros offered him an $18.4 million offer, but he rejected it, accepting instead a $105.3 million, three-year deal with the Minnesota Twins.
The New York Yankees, who took a massive financial commitment off the Twins earlier in the year by signing Josh Donaldson and others, were reportedly very interested in signing Carlos Correa. This caused several fans and spectators to remark on the ironic nature of the transaction.
"When you realize the Yankees assisted the Twins in getting Correa" - @ Dave Doyers
Carlos Correa will be embarking on a new journey with a new team for the first time in his career. His new team evidently has enormous confidence in him. We wish Carlos the best on this next step in his career.