Xander Bogaerts once tweeted to his 40,000 followers a picture of a woman in scanty clothing snapping a selfie in a lavatory. The tweet came after the Red Sox had defeated the White Sox in Chicago on April 16, 2014.
Bogaerts swiftly removed the image, but not before a flood of screen captures and retweets spread over the internet. Bogaerts acknowledged his error and apologized for sending a tweet rather than a direct reply
Bogaerts said after the incident:
“It definitely wasn’t my intention. Once I found out it was on Twitter, I went immediately and deleted it and locked my Twitter account."
When Xander Bogaerts glorified the San Diego Padres while criticizing the Boston Red Sox
On December 8, 2022, the Padres and Bogaerts finalized a long-term agreement, ending a decade-long relationship with the Boston Red Sox. During his first press conference after switching teams, Xander Bogaerts criticized the Red Sox.
He claimed they did not have the same winning mentality as his new team.
“It was a great run. But this is a different challenge, one I’m looking forward to. This team wants to win. … You could see the fans in the postseason, how electric it was, and something we obviously didn’t have (in Boston) this year."