Corrections Policy
Sportskeeda strives to ensure that all of its content is factual and error-free. If any mistakes do creep in inadvertently, we are committed to getting them corrected promptly and with full disclosure.
Sportskeeda urges its readers to notify the editorial team of any errors that they see on the website, whether large or minor. If you spot a mistake anywhere, please send an email to [email protected].
How we deal with corrections:
Any language or typographical error found in a Sportskeeda article is promptly modified by a member of the staff. After the correction, the article shows an auto-generated line at the top saying it was modified at a particular date and time.
Errors with respect to any of the facts, numbers or quotes in an article are dealt with a little differently. If it is an ancillary fact that does not alter the substance of the story, a correction is made promptly and a note is added at the end pointing out what the error was. If, however, it is something that materially affects the story, then the article is either rewritten (with a correction note added at the bottom) or taken down entirely from the website.